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My Middle Name is Earl: Family Ties, Michael J. Fox and You

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Family Ties, Michael J. Fox and You

So I just spent basically the entire weekend with my sister. I think that's the first time we've done that in years - after I picked up stakes and left home for college, and then her subsequent foray into higher education, we've just sort of lost touch over the past five or six years. But she was in town for a two-day conference, and instead of wasting money on a hotel, she just crashed at my apartment.

Sometimes I forget that we actually do have things in common. Although she just graduated from a Christian college, and her faith is a major part of her life (and I've sort of left mine to the way-side) we basically still have similar senses of humor, we both have the same love for good books and movies, and, of course, we have the same set of family members to bitch about. Good times.

So Court and I drove around downtown Columbus Friday night, just shootin' the breeze and looking at the skyscrapers. We haven't actually talked for several years, and it was nice to get back into it and catch up. Apparently the latest update on Operation Get Courtney Married includes she and Craig possibly moving to Denver! Well, at least I'll have a free place to stay the next time I venture west. But that's an entirely different topic, for a different posting.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a rent-free basement out west in grand old omeeha, about two thirds of the way to denver and one full day of driving west of columbus if you're ever headed in this direction.

7:55 PM  

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