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My Middle Name is Earl: Apathy and Other Small Victories

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Apathy and Other Small Victories

I wanted to loose on the world two passages from the most messed-up (delightful) book I have ever read. This character obviously has some problems:

"There comes a time in every man's life when he wakes up drunk on the toilet and begins to doubt the choices he has made. And when that time comes at least twice a day, every day, something needs to be done."

"I didn't kill Marlene. The whole thing was ridiculous. I'd blacked out from alcohol plenty of times before. Some of those times I'd done things with ugly women that I never would have otherwise done. Sometimes I'd pissed places I probably shouldn't have pissed. Sometimes I did other things that were gross and sad. But I'd never blacked out and murdered anyone before. You'd have to be really religious to do something like that. Or famous and on designer drugs at least."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what book is that from?

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:02 PM  

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