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My Middle Name is Earl: In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning...

Do any of you out there regularly pull all-nighters?

I do, and am curious to see how it affects others. It’s not like I’m burning the midnight oil, toiling away at the many projects I start and invariably don’t finish - I know that I have a big problem with waking up early in the morning (I’m the only person on my block who doesn’t hear my alarm clock) so often times I’ll put on a pot of coffee, pop in a couple DVDs and wait for late late night to change to early early morning.

Here’s the rundown from last night:
Four cups of black coffee
watched the following:
Man of the Year
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Stir Crazy ...
at work by 8:30.

I’m not sure why, I just can’t wake up in the mornings. And boy do those hours just fly by. As long as I have a movie to watch, that sun comes up before I know it. But I wonder how much my co-workers notice - I find my sense of humor getting a little more twisted, a lot of the time I can’t think of the correct word I want to use to describe something, it sticks on the tip of my tongue. Plus the bags under my eyes are a dead giveaway.

But at least I’m in here before 11, I guess. And you always have cooky ideas while you’re sitting on your front porch in the dark that is 3:50 a.m. I’d describe this more, but the words escape me.


Blogger Unknown said...

perhaps it is genetic...I set two alarms, put one on the floor so that I have to hunt for it, and still wake up an hour after they both start going off...

8:46 AM  
Blogger Brittiny said...

Perhaps the five cups of coffee at night have something to do with it. But this blog explains why I was so concerned at work the other day.

I honestly believe all nighters make you less productive and happy. Sleep is good. Do it!

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry your secret is safe with me I don't see, here or speak nothin man, only if you ask me? Who is going to ask me whether you came in or have I seen you. Standard answer maybe!

3:18 PM  

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