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My Middle Name is Earl: A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far Away...

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far Away...

It's a boring night. The roommate is out, I've purposefully turned off the TV, and Counting Crows is crooning on the CD player, and there's one hell of a storm on the way, or so the weather channel says.

It's Monday, and all my copy for the paper is already turned in; I don't have any money, so I don't want to blow any on random out-of-the-house activities; and it's too late to indulge in my bad habits and still make it to work early tomorrow.

So I'm gonna try to blog.

I know I'm a little obsessed with movies, but does anyone else live in a constant state of anticipation for some of the bigger projects down the line? I've been like that ever since I can remember - after reading Silence of the Lambs, when I heard they were filming Hannibal I couldn't wait. The Star Wars prequels... good Lord. And don't even get me started on the Lord of the Rings films, I had waited for them since I had learned to read.

Right now high on the list is the end of the Harry Potter franchise, the eventual Wolverine movie, Transformers, GrindHouse, a habitually-rumored sequel to Boondock Saints, the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie... the list goes on.

My breath is held in anticipation of The 300.

But once the movie comes out, I see it, I usually love it, I copy the DVD, file it in the collection and go on to the next big project. Does anyone else do this? For you music folks, I guess it's equivalent to waiting for your favorite bands' next release.

I don't know. It's just a boring, cold night, and I'm grasping for topics to write about.


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