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My Middle Name is Earl: Six Degrees Vol. 1 MY ANSWER

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Six Degrees Vol. 1 MY ANSWER

I like the long, drawn-out ones, so here's my solution:

Connie Nielsen was in Gladiator w/ Russell Crowe, who was in The Quick and the Dead w/ Gene Hackman, who was in Superman w/ Christopher Reeve, who was in Superman III w/ Robert Vaugn, who was in Pootie Tang w/ Wanda Sykes.

Yeah, always gotta get a Pootie Tang reference in there. Col me down on da panny-sty. Sa da tay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The six degrees thing is pretty cool. The kevin bacon game is too easy. Everyone wastes all this time and effort on it because nobody knows this simple fact. EVERY actually the a subconscious thought of kevin bacon being projected onto a screen. All the people who watch the movie are therefor a product of his imagination. Kevin bacon is a god and all we are to him is a game of sim city. Respect!

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


you need some pictures on your page. Capture my eyes and stuff them in a jar of jpeg jelly. Then empty contents of said jar into the blender. Hit puree. Garnish with fresh mint. Feeds up to eight loved ones. Nobody will know i'm watching them...



5:21 PM  
Blogger shorttallnotatall said...

i read this too. you should try celebrity tennis, which involves saying the name of a movie featuring the same movie star until someone gives up. it works.

also: wanda sykes to jane fonda in monster-in-law, jane fonda to robert deniro in stanley and iris (yes, which i've actually seen MORE THAN ONCE and of course i hate myself), robert deniro to uma thurman in mad dog and glory, uma thurman to samuel l. jackson in pulp fiction, to connie nielsen in basic.

looks like we're tied, newbie.

8:09 PM  

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