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My Middle Name is Earl: May 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Execution

And here would be a short (shooorrttt!!!) film shot by our little troupe, with Chris Alexis directing, Chris Bournea producing, and yours truly in charge of lighting and camerawork. Yippee!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Shootin' Pool With the Big Boys

So guess who has had two full stories published in the Columbus Dispatch so far this week. I'll give you three guesses. And the answer isn't Gene Simmons.

That's right, it's me. Cause I'm the man.

Yeah, this one might be a fluffy feature, but apparently it's a damned good fluffy feature. In any event, it's a tear sheet.

Otterbein's office of communications referred to me as Clark Kent today.

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